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Immersive Audio Demonstration

Thursday, February 27, 2025
7:00 pm
Magic City Studios
13960 New Millpond Road
Big Rapids, MI 49307
13960 New Millpond Road
Big Rapids, MI 49307
Cost: FREE
Discover the world of immersive audio with Michael Kreple, a renowned audio engineer and producer specializing in Dolby Atmos.
With years of experience in music production and post-production, Kreple has honed his expertise in mixing, sound design, and engineering, creating captivating sonic experiences for film, television, and music.
Kreple is also the founder and chief engineer at Magic City Studios, a state-of-the-art facility in Big Rapids dedicated to high-end audio production.
Learn about the exciting world of immersive audio and discover how cutting-edge technology is shaping the future of sound.
Reservations are required. Please call Artworks at (231) 796-2420 or stop in at 106 N. Michigan Avenue to reserve your space.